Octagonal steel fan/fixture support box for use with nonmetallic sheathed cable
Octagonal steel fan/fixture support box with adjustable bar hanger
Machine tapped fixture holes, steel box construction, universal bar hanger, steel clamps factory installed.
New work residential construction 2 HR fire resistive walls and ceilings (70 lbs. fan support and 200 lbs. fixture support)
ANSI / UL 514A: File No. E487601
Fire Test of Building Construction Materials – (Outlet Boxes and Fittings) Metallic Outlet Boxes (QCIT)
Use In Fire-Rated Assemblies
Certified metallic outlet and switch boxes with metallic or nonmetallic cover plates may be used in floor-ceiling and roof-ceiling assemblies with ratings not exceeding 2 h when these assemblies have gypsum wallboard membranes. The boxes are intended to be fastened to the joists with the openings in the wallboard facing cut so that the clearance between the boxes and the gypsum wallboard does not exceed 1/8 in. The boxes are inteded to be installed so that the surface area of individual boxes does not exceed 16 sq in, and the aggregate surface area of the boxes does not exceed 100 sq in per 100 sq ft of ceiling surface.
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